Designed as a user-friendly tool that gives interested people around the country the ability to evaluate the performance of the transit zones in their neighborhoods and towns.
Center for Neighborhood Technology is a leader in promoting more livable and sustainable urban communities.
CNT delivers innovative analysis and solutions that support community-based organizations and local governments to create neighborhoods that are equitable, sustainable, and resilient.
“The impact of CNT is tremendous. The data and research, coupled with the leadership, the vision of the folks on the ground engaging with community, it's exactly what we need where communities that have been most marginalized have not been brought to the table.”
~ Sendy Soto, The Chicago Community Trust
Transportation Equity Network
The Transportation Equity Network (TEN) is a coalition of community groups, equitable transportation advocates, civic organizations, and other stakeholders in Chicago and suburban Cook County who will work with decision-makers to embed racial equity and mobility justice into transportation via community-driven decisions and investments.View by topic: