ETOD Social Impact Calculator

Discover the social and economic impacts of your affordable housing development and the benefits of locating it near transit.

Transit-oriented development (TOD) anchors vibrant communities around transit stops. When homes, offices, retail, and other amenities are located within the transit shed – generally a quarter mile to a half mile from a high-frequency transit stop – people can spend less time and money getting to all the places in their daily lives. Equitable transit-oriented development (ETOD) takes this a step further by making sure that the benefits of living near transit are available to people of all income levels.

CNT’s ETOD Social Impact Calculator provides a broad swath of data that's important to developers, households, neighborhoods, and communities. This data includes parking, jobs, public transportation, greenhouse gas emissions, building purchasing power, and bikesharing.

ETOD Tool provides spatial place-based information and a building plan editor that calculates how a planned development will impact its surrounding community.

Building affordable housing in TODs gives low- and moderate-income residents access to low-cost transportation that connects them with schools, jobs, heath care and recreational amenities. CNT’s ETOD Social Impact Calculator allows users to examine and quantify the financial, social, and environmental benefits of ETOD projects in Cook County.

Whether you’re a developer in the midst of the predevelopment process or an advocate for affordable housing or social services, the data this tool can help you make the case for ETOD in your community.

ETOD News, Webinars and More

Elevated Works ETOD technical assistance, February, 2025

With jokes about zoning and parking spots, developers celebrate a year of equitable transit-oriented development success, December, 2024

Starling: North Lawndale's First Transit-Oriented Multipurpose Space and Coffeehouse, November, 2024

Chicago seeing results from public support for Equitable Transit-Oriented Development local visions, expert advice, September, 2024

CNT Celebrates Passage of Connected Communities Ordinance, August, 2022

CNT Launches The New and Improved ETOD Calculator, May, 2022

ETOD Webinar: Calculating Impact, May, 2022

Chicago’s Latest Ordinance Expands ETOD, January, 2019

ETOD Webinar Series, March, 2019

Chicago's TOD Ordinance Expansion Will Help City Grow, September, 2015