The National TOD Database is a unique database web tool commissioned by FTA in 2007-12 aggregating public data to over 6,000 existing and planned station areas, transit lines, and regional transit sheds. CNT developed the tool as a founding partner of the Center for Transit-Oriented Development, and CNT continues to host and maintain it. Intended as a TOD tool for planners, developers, government officials, and academics, the Database provides economic and demographic information for every existing and proposed fixed guideway transit station in the U.S.
Data are available at three geographic levels: the transit zone (the half-mile or quarter-mile buffer around the individual station), the transit shed (the aggregate of transit zones), and lastly, the transit region (aligns with the Metropolitan Statistical Area boundary).
Data points are reported for the 2000 Census, the 2005-2009 American Community Survey, 2007 – 2011 Local Employment and Household Data, and 2013 Housing and Transportation (H+T®) Index.