Our Work

by CNT and Open Communities

Rail transit anchors downtowns and neighborhoods in communities throughout Chicago’s northern suburbs and across the region, but many of these communities are falling behind in creating mixed-income transit-oriented development. This guidebook offers case studies, policy recommendations, and public participation tools...Read more

by CNT

Like every other state, Georgia’s underground system of pipes is aging. But Georgia has become a leader in the national push for improved water loss control. The success of Georgia’s program provides an effective blueprint for other states and agencies...Read more

Greg Newmark

As more and more regions seek to implement high-occupancy toll or HOT lanes, more and more transit agencies seek knowledge to take advantage of this new infrastructure opportunity. Unfortunately, as is often the case with the rapid diffusion of a...Read more

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Chapter by Jacky Grimshaw

This pioneering guide, the first edition of which was released in 1999, illustrates how the Congress for the New Urbanism works to change the practices and standards of urban design and development to support healthy regions and diverse, complete neighborhoods....Read more

by CNT

The effects of unemployment, rising gas costs, and economic uncertainty have pushed household budgets to their limits. Now, more than ever, the state’s infrastructure investments must bolster the economy and save its residents money. This report presents a policy blueprint...Read more

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by CNT and SSMMA

The Green Transit, Intermodal, Manufacturing, Environment Zone (Green TIME Zone) is a core element of the Southland Vision 2020 for Sustainable Development.Read more

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Topic: Policy

Displaying 31 - 40 of 48


topics: Cargo-Oriented Development, Housing, Policy, Transportation

As part of the Broadening Urban Investment to Leverage Transit (BUILT) In Ohio partnership with the Office of Ohio Governor Ted Strickland and leaders in each of the three regions, we explored the impact of recent urban development patterns and identified key market opportunities in transit-...

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topics: Policy, Sustainable Economic Development, Transportation

In 2008, the Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority (NNEPRA) commissioned us to evaluate the economic impacts of existing and expanded rail service in Maine and New Hampshire.

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topics: Policy, Transportation

CNT co-founder Scott Bernstein helped launch the Surface Transportation Policy Project, which put made downtown development and public transit back into federal transportation funding.

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topics: Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Housing, Policy, Transportation

Priority Development Areas offer a targeted strategy for capitalizing on existing assets, like transit stations and walkable downtowns, to foster sustainable economic development.

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topics: Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Policy, Transportation

Rail transit anchors downtowns and neighborhoods in communities throughout Chicago’s northern suburbs and across the region, but many of these communities are falling behind in creating mixed-income transit-oriented development. This guidebook offers case studies, policy recommendations, and public...

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topics: Policy, Water

Like every other state, Georgia’s underground system of pipes is aging. But Georgia has become a leader in the national push for improved water loss control. The success of Georgia’s program provides an effective blueprint for other states and agencies in how to begin providing support to their...

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topics: Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Policy, Transportation

As more and more regions seek to implement high-occupancy toll or HOT lanes, more and more transit agencies seek knowledge to take advantage of this new infrastructure opportunity. Unfortunately, as is often the case with the rapid diffusion of a new technology, little information is available to...

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topics: Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Policy, Sustainable Economic Development, Transportation

This pioneering guide, the first edition of which was released in 1999, illustrates how the Congress for the New Urbanism works to change the practices and standards of urban design and development to support healthy regions and diverse, complete neighborhoods. CNT's Jacky Grimshaw contributed a...

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topics: Cargo-Oriented Development, Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Policy, Sustainable Economic Development, Transportation

The effects of unemployment, rising gas costs, and economic uncertainty have pushed household budgets to their limits. Now, more than ever, the state’s infrastructure investments must bolster the economy and save its residents money. This report presents a policy blueprint to make these...

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topics: Cargo-Oriented Development, Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Policy, Sustainable Economic Development, Transportation

The Green Transit, Intermodal, Manufacturing, Environment Zone (Green TIME Zone) is a core element of the Southland Vision 2020 for Sustainable Development.

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