RainReady Community

RainReady Community helps neighborhoods manage flooding and drought.

With a current focus on flooding, we offer support in making practical and affordable neighborhood improvements that help communities address:

  • Water or sewage backup in your home
  • Seepage or moisture in your basement
  • Flooding or standing water in your yard or street
  • Cracked or blocked private sewer pipes
  • Overland flooding from a creek or ditch

Our approach prioritizes strategies that bring multiple benefits to the community, such as incorporating stormwater management into downtown improvement plans in a way that also provides transportation amenities and economic revitalization.

Download an overview of RainReady Community services here.

A full-service approach

The RainReady Community service is available to any community that wishes to participate in the program. Towns or cities wishing to participate will draw up a memorandum of agreement with CNT and agree to cover the costs. Communities will receive support throughout the process:

  1. Risk assessment: A dedicated RainReady team will be assigned to your community to conduct a neighborhood-by-neighborhood flood risk assessment. The integrated risk study includes analysis of resident surveys, property assessments, emergency services data, sewer system maps, watershed topography, historical records, precipitation data and any existing plans for your community.
  2. Solution mapping: We will help you establish a steering committee made up of community leaders, residents, and public officials, and then we will work with the committee to select and prioritize the right improvements customized for local homes and neighborhoods. These recommendations will be compiled into a RainReady Plan for the community.
  3. Implementation support: We will provide guidance and support on implementing the RainReady Plan, including help with public engagement, demonstration projects and financing.
  4. Monitoring + support: You will be eligible to receive our monitoring and support services in order to evaluate the impact of work that has been implemented.

Coordinated Improvements

We work with partner organizations, non-profits, public agencies, private contractors and grassroots organizations to help bring the resources and skills you need to implement your community’s RainReady Plan. We will help you to prioritize your investment, and we’ll provide guidance in selecting the right mix of improvements for your neighborhood.

Proposed improvements may include:

  • Home improvements, including landscaping and paving, plumbing and sewer repairs, and foundation repairs
  • Street enhancements to reduce runoff
  • The creation of pocket parks and wetlands to store and infiltrate stormwater
  • The restoration of tree canopies and river corridors
  • Expanding capacity for program implementation, such as hiring a planner or pursuing stormwater fees
  • Improved emergency planning and flood warning systems

Get Started

To benefit from the program, please ask your mayor or elected leader to contact CNT at rainreadyinfo@cnt.org.

For more information about RainReady contact:

Brandon Evans