
RainReady helps individuals, businesses, and communities find solutions to the problem of urban flooding.

RainReady policies and practices help property owners and communities reduce their risk of flooding, become more climate resilient, and create healthy buildings and green neighborhoods. RainReady approaches are tailored to the specific needs of each building and community.

When sewers back up and basements flood, homeowners can face catastrophic costs. Often, the communities most prone to these problems are those where residents can least afford necessary repairs or home improvements.

Green stormwater improvements alone can’t solve the problem. But with ‘gray’ infrastructure like new concrete sewers and pipes costly and time-consuming to build, green solutions are an essential element in addressing urban flooding.

Center for Neighborhood Technology began developing RainReady over a decade ago to promote and support green stormwater improvements for homes and communities.

Approach and Services

RainReady offers programs designed to help people and communities manage flooding in a time of climate change.
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Ongoing & Completed Projects

RainReady works with communities and municipalities on solutions to urban flooding.

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Guides, Fact Sheets & Videos

RainReady offers a number of educational resources on urban flooding, green infrastructure, and flood risk assessment for buildings.

Factsheets | Homeowner Guidance | My RainReady | Resident Action | Government Resources | ... More

For more information about RainReady contact:

Brandon Evans